Показ дописів із міткою 9 клас. Показати всі дописи
Показ дописів із міткою 9 клас. Показати всі дописи

середа, 20 травня 2020 р.

9 клас

Завдання для семестрових контрольних. Як домовлялися раніше пишете своє ім'я і першу літеру прізвища. Спроб 2 (на випадок поганого інтернету тощо). Термін виконання до 26 травня. 26 травня останній день. Потім тести стануть недоступними.


Слухаємо аудіо 2 або 3 рази за одним з посилань або завантажуємо його, слухаємо, а потім переходимо до виконання тесту.

Посилання з аудіо

Тест аудіювання за посиланням https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=7328666
Текст для читання я продублювала перед кожним запитанням, щоб простіше шукати відповідь. Посилання нижче.
Перед виконанням тесту повторіть умовні речення 1 типу (1-st Conditional) та вживання who, which, where, whose, that у реченнях.
Посилання для виконання тесту https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=1368513

неділя, 17 травня 2020 р.

9 клас

Шановні, дев'ятикласники! Якщо маєте можливість, виконайте, будь ласка, наступні завдання!

На кожен тест - 2 спроби. Вказуйте лише своє ім'я та першу літеру прізвища і номер спроби. Тут результат не покаже одразу, тож після першої спроби напишіть мені у фейсбук (месенжер, інстаграм) я вам повідомлю оцінку. Якщо оцінка влаштовує, можна повторно не робити. Оцінка погана - проходите тест другий раз.

Опрацюйте вправу 7 сторінка 186-187 та виконайте тест за посиланням https://vseosvita.ua/test/start/gmr494

Опрацюйте текст про Уельс на сторінці 197 та виконайте тест за посиланням https://vseosvita.ua/test/start/qgn905

Опрацюйте текст про Кардіф на сторінці 218-220 та виконайте тест за посиланням нижче https://vseosvita.ua/test/start/mrr732

Опрацюйте текст про Манчестер на сторінці 220-221 та виконайте тест за посиланням https://vseosvita.ua/test/start/vth104

Опрацюйте текст про Львів на сторінках 226-232 та виконайте тест за посиланням https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=918774


четвер, 2 квітня 2020 р.

9 клас


Вправа 5 сторінка 198-199. Аудіо за посиланням нижче.

Ну і відео з цікавою інформацією про Північну Ірландію.

А тепер перелистайте підручник і пригадайти про всі 4 частини короліства і зробіть тест за посиланням. https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=742375  Увага, сайт "тормозить" і інколи "глючить", тож якщо не вдалося зайти спробуйте іншим разом. Тест активний до 12 квітня. Маєте дві спроби, я зарахую кращу. Коли авторизуєтесь для проходження, пишіть ім'я і номер спроби!

вівторок, 17 березня 2020 р.

9 клас

13.03.2020  і 17.03.2020

Переглядаємо відео та запам'ятовуємо назви частин та міст.

Вправа 3 а і b сторінка 189. Вчимо слова за аудіозаписом та записуємо їх у словник. Аудіозапис нижче.


Дивимось відео та відповідаємо на запитання у ньому. Посилання на відео - нижче.

Вправа 3с та d. сторінка 189-190. Слухаємо аудіо, з'єднуємо назви з малюнками. В зошиті креслимо таблицю та заповняємо її. Аудіо для виконання завдань.

Вправа 2 сторінка 188. Слухаємо аудіо та заповняємо пропуски в тексті. Вправу записуємо в зошит.  Посилання на аудіо нижче.


18.03.2020 і 20.03.2020

Продовжуємо говорити про Об'єднане Королівство.

Вправа 6 і 7 сторінка 186. Дізнайтеся цікаві факти про Англію та виконайте завдання вікторини. Запишіть незнайомі слова у словник та знайдіть їх переклад.

Have some fun and watch video!

Цікавинки про Шотландію. Слухаємо аудіо та виконуємо вправу 4 сторінка 190.

Вправа 5 сторінка 191. З'єднати половинки речень.

Have some fun and watch video!

Цікавинки про Уельс. Вправа 3 сторінка 196-197.

А для того, щоб зрозуміни наскільки ефективно ви все запам'ятали переходимо за посиланням https://vseosvita.ua/test/start/dmg431 вводимо своє ім'я та виконуємо тестові завдання.


четвер, 3 грудня 2015 р.


get up
вставати, прокидатися
I got up and walked over to where he was.
They have to get up early in the morning.

get on
робити успіхи, старіти
How is he getting on?
How did you get on? - I think I got the job
I'm nearly 31 and that's getting on a bit for a footballer.
When he came back to see me I asked how he had got on.

to get on smb.'s nerves
діяти комусь на нерви

get over
справлятися, одужувати, переживати, переборювати
It took me a very long time to get over the shock of her death.
How would they get over that problem, he wondered?

get over the difficulty
get over with
впоратися з труднощами
The sooner we start, the sooner we'll get it over with.

get off
залишати(іти),покидати, іти геть,забирайся
I kept telling him to get off... `Get off me!' I screamed.
We must be getting off now.
At eight I said `I'm getting off now.'

get along with smb
get along without smth
спілкуватися, терпіти когось
обходитися без чогось

Does he get along with his mother-in-law?
It's impossible to get along with him...
           They seemed to be getting along fine.
You can't get along without water...

    get into
бути захопленим, вступити, вселятися
He was eager to get into politics.
I was working hard to get into Cambridge.
What has got into you today? Why are you behaving like this?

run away
тікати, уникати, одружуватись
He was so unhappy that he tried to run away from school.
We can't run away from the facts
I ran away from home when I was sixteen...
After his beating Colin ran away and hasn't been heard of since...
They run away from the problem, hoping it will disappear of its own accord...
You can't run away for ever.
She ran away with a man called McTavish last year...
He and I were always planning to run away together.

run in
We can run in a sentence about the politician's recent death.
You've no cause to run me in, I've done nothing!

run out
вичерпуватися, закінчуватися, залишати, втрачати

run out of disk space
выходить за пределы ёмкости диска
to run out of juice
истощить всю энергию, перестать работать
The contract runs out next week.
I've run out of coffee.
They have run out of ideas...
We had lots before but now we've run out.
You can't run out on your family at a time like this.

run over
виходити за межі, збити, переїхати
You can always run him over and make it look like an accident...
 He ran over a six-year-old child as he was driving back from a party.
We've tried to keep the cost of the repairs in the original sum, but we may run over by a few pounds. — Мы пытались сделать так, чтобы стоимость ремонта не была больше исходной суммы, но всё же мы немного превысили её.

take after
бути схожим
Ted's always been difficult, Mr Kemp–he takes after his dad.

take off
позбавлятися чогось
to take off one's clothes — раздеваться
to take off one's coat — снимать пальто
He wouldn't take his hat off...
She took off her spectacles.

take into account
to take into consideration
брати до увага

take away
забирати, прибирати зі столу,

You may take away.
He took away the key.
Please don't take your hand away, it makes me think that you don't like me.
`Give me the knife,' he said softly, `or I'll take it away from you.'...
  In prison they'd taken away his watch and everything he possessed.

turn out
вивертати, показувати, виганяти (of) , звільняти
to turn out one's pockets

turn on/off
вмикати, вимикати(світло, радіо, воду, газ)
I want to turn on the television...
She asked them why they hadn't turned the lights on.
The light's a bit too harsh. You can turn it off...
I have to get up and turn off the radio...

    turn around
відродити, підійти з іншого боку, змінити
Turning the company around won't be easy...
If the economy turned round the Prime Minister's authority would quickly increase.

turn over
перевернути, перегорнути
Liz picked up the blue envelope and turned it over curiously...
I don't suppose you thought to turn over the tape, did you?...
Ann turned over in her bed once more.

turn over in one's grave
перевернутися в могилі
Shakespeare would turn in his grave if he saw this production of Hamlet. — Шекспир бы в гробу перевернулся, если бы увидел эту постановку "Гамлета".

turn into
перетворювати, міняти на шось
A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale...

look for
I'm looking for a child. I believe your husband can help me find her...
 I had gone to Maine looking for a place to work...

look after
турбуватися, піклуватися
I love looking after the children...
 People don't look after other people's property in the same way as they look after their own.

look forward to
чекати з нетерпінням
He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister.
Motor traders are looking forward to a further increase in vehicle sales.

put on
He put his coat on hurriedly and ran out of the house.

put off
виключати світло, відкладати, преносити
Please put off all the lights as you leave the building.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Women who put off having a baby often make the best mothers...

put up
будувати,вішати оголошення, ставити пьєсу
Do you know how to put up a tent?
You are not allowed to put up advertisements on this wall without special permission.
Next year we shall put up "King Lear".
They're putting new street signs up...

The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college's founder.

Письмо 9 клас

І semester
1.My mum’s hobby is _____mushrooms
a) to pick     b) picking
2. Please, go on ______ your stories. Don’t pay attention to my remark.
a) telling       b) to tell
3.Would you mind ______ in the hall?
a) to wait       b) waiting
4. That was the time_____ I got bad marks at school.
a)  when        b) whose
5.John, ______ never watches TV, likes reading books
a) where        b) who
6. The helicopter ______ invented by Ihor Sikorsky.
a) was           b)were
7. Mostly children _______ computer for playing computer fames but studying.
a) use            b) uses
8. ______ is my favourite activity at my leisure.
a) Read          b) Reading


1. _____ cultures help young people become independent of their families.
a) Old       b) Youth
2. This jeans are out of _____.
a) design     b) fashion
3. Rap _____ is so fashionable today.
a) trend        b) style
4. What kind of ________ do you usually watch?
a) books         b) programmes
5. I enjoy watching Walt Disney’s ______.
a) cartoons      b) soap operas
6.The majority of American homes have over 50 TV _____.
a)  sets            b) channels
7. _____ is science about plants and their structure
a) biology        b) botany
8. Are you still doing ______ into linguistic?
a) investigation     b) research
9. Galileo _______ the planet Jupiter
a)  invented           b) discovered
10.  The mobile telephone was _______ in 20th  century.

a)  invented           b) discovered

Unit 1 We’re the Young Generation.

Unit 1
We’re the Young Generation.

I. Listening
1. Listen and say if it is true or false.
1.     Thousands of clubs sprang up in all parts of Australia.
2.     Photography clubs became extremely popular with teenagers.
3.     I live on a farm in the desert part of Africa.
4.     “The Moon” is my favourite horse.
5.     I love to talk with my horse.
6.     Horses are not very clever animals.

II. Vocabulary
2. Translate into English
1. зробити певні висновки
2. змушуючи підлітків вірити
3. поняття молодіжної культури
4. розвиток музики та моди
5. виражати відсутність поваги до традицій та влади
6. стати незалежним  від сім’ї
7. велика кількість підлітків
8. деякі аспекти життя

III. Grammar
3. Use the proper form of the verbs. Translate into Ukrainian.
1. (see) I hope ___________you soon.
2. (ski) I enjoy ___________in winter.
3. (run) Peter is good at ______________.
4. (meet) I’m looking forward to ___________you.
5. (talk) It’s no use _____________to him.
6. (live) _____________in a big city is exciting.
7. (lock) I don’t remember ____________the door.
8. (take) The princess promised ___________it with her.

4.  Arrange the words to make the sentences.
1. can / dangerous / Some / for / cultures / participants / youth / be / their.
2. Madam / one / in / Tussaud’s / can / What / see / Museum?
3. wore / They / denim / black / jeans / old.
4. hobby  / Alison’s /  to / music / is / listening / classical.  

UNIT 5 Science and Technology

Science and Technology

1. True or false.      3 points
1)      Society is much influenced by computers at present times.
2)      You can find computers everywhere, even in your car.
3)      Computers can be operated by microwaves.
4)      DVD player is an entertainment device.
5)      The Internet is a source of information only.
6)      You can’t watch people and hear their voices through the Internet.
7)      You can get access to the Internet at the local library.
8)      Not all the information and services available are free.
9)      Children are taught the basics of computer use at a primary school level.
10)  Computers can be used in education at a distance. 
11)  The biggest problem with the computers is poor eyesight.
12)  There are more advantages then disadvantages with computers.

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct word.       3 points
1)      Many  _____ scientists participate in the  _____ life of their country.
2)      Isaak Newton was characterized as an ______ genius.
3)      Borys Paton _____ much to the development of his father’s theory of electric arc welding.
4)      Albert Einstein is known far and wide for his scientific _____.
5)      After the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 many people left the _____ area.

3. Rewrite these sentences in the passive    3 points
1)      A Japanese firm makes these TV sets.
2)      The examiner will read the text three times.
3)      Tom Smith wrote the book.
4. Choose the right variant      3 points
1)      Do you mind ____ such a long way to work every day?
      a) to travel           b) travelling
2)      I can’t stand a people _____ me what to do when I’m driving.
      a) to tell               b) telling
3)      He looks so funny. When I see him, I can’t help _____.
      a) to smile            b) smiling
4)      Please, remember _____this letter.
      a) to post              b) posting
5)      When you see Tom, remember ____ him my regards, won’t you?
      a) to give              b) giving
6)      Tom helped his mother ____ the dinner ready.

      a) to get                b) getting

Самостійна робота RELATIVE CLAUSES

Fill in the gaps with appropriate relative pronouns.
  1. That is the man__________ helped me when I fell down in the street.
  2. Is that your car? No, mine is the one_________ is parked just opposite the bank.
  3. That is the woman___________ complained about the room service.
  4. This is the park__________ we first met. Do you remember?
  5. So, James is the man__________ son came on the school trip with us? I din't know.
  6. If you have any question, ask the girl________ is standing at the desk. She'll help you.
  7. They had to put away the dog________ bit the boy. It was too dangerous.
  8. I'm looking for a person________ surname begins with a "k".
  9. Do you still go to that pub__________ we used to go as students?
  10. The heating is not working. Do you know anyone_________ can fix it?
  11. Jim, _________  I've known for years, is my best friend.
  12. My new coat,____________ I bought in New York, is very warm and comfortable.
  13. My boss,____________ wife is French, travels to Paris regularly.
  14. He didn't even say "thank you", ___________  I found really rude.
  15. Next summer I'm going to India, __________ I've never been before.
  16. My sister,_________ is five years younger than me, is a lawyer.
  17. Galileo Galilei,__________ suppported the heliocentric theory, was arrested by the Inquisition.

Читання 9 клас

Form 9
There are certain people who always like to take their vacations in the same place. They return from a vacation and ask themselves, "When can I go back there again?" There are other people who like to go many places. They like to do many different things on their vacations. When they return from a vacation, they ask themselves, "Where can I go next?"
My parents are perfect examples of the first kind of people. They always like to go to the lake in the mountains where they went on their honeymoon. They bought a vacation cabin there several years after they were married. They have gone there two or three times a year for over twenty-five years. My parents have made friends with the people who also own cabins there. They enjoy getting together with them. Both my parents enjoy sailing and swimming and my father likes to go fishing! My parents enjoy variety, but they say they can get variety by going to their cabin at different times of the year. They particularly like to go there in the autumn when the leaves are beautiful.
I am an example of a person who likes to go to different places for her vacation. When I was a child, I went to my parents' cabin, but when I got older, I wanted lo travel to many different places. I spent a lot of time and money learning how to ski, so I wanted to travel to places where I could ski, such as Switzerland. I was interested in visiting historic places, so I went to Angkor what in Cambodia even though it was difficult to get there. I would like to go to Egypt because I want to  see the pyramids and to Rome to see the Coliseum.
Although I enjoy going to familiar places, I find that going to strange places is more exciting. The world is so huge and exciting that I don't want to go to the same place twice. Still, I understand my parents' point of view. They believe that you can never get to know a place too well.

Task 1. For each of the questions 1—10 decide which of the statements are true or false
1.     The text mainly tells about travelling to different places.
2.     The parents like to spend their holidays in the same city.
3.     They have got married recently.
4.     The action takes place in a cabin in the mountains.
5.     The parents have gone to their cottage two or three times a year for over twenty-five years.
6.     Both of the parents enjoy sailing.
7.     The author of the text is a man.
8.     The author of the text is an experienced traveller.
9.     The world is a small place to live in.
10.       You can never get to know a place too well.

Task 2. For each of the questions 11 —20 decide which of the answers (a, b, c or d) best complete the statements .
1.     It may be inferred from the text that the parents always spend their vacation:
a) in different places ;                 b) in many places;
c) in the same place ;                  d) in popular place. 
2.     The parents prefer:
a) fishing to climbing;            b) climbing to sailing;
c)  sailing to swimming;                 d) swimming to climbing
3.     One can make a conclusion that "the parents are"
a) successful people;              b) friendly people;
c) diligent people;                    d) cruel people.
4.     The parents' favorite season was:               
a)spring;            b)summer;
c)autumn;           d)winter.
5. The cabin was bought:              
a) after the marriage;            b) after the divorce;
c) before the marriage;          d) before the divorce.
6.The author of the passage states that the parents like:
a)   variety meat;          b)   variety shows;
c)   variety;                   d)   variety store.
7. The dream of the author is:
  a)  to visit Cambodia and Egypt;
  b)  to visit Egypt and Italy;
  c)  to visit Italy and Switzerland;    
  d)  to visit Switzerland and Cambodia.
8.     A lot of money was spent learning how to:
a)   sky;     b)   skate;
c)   skid;    d)   ski.
9.     The pyramids in Egypt were visited:
a)   by many tourists;                b)   by no one;
c)   by the parents;                   d)   by the author.
10.       The author of the passage:
a)   refuses to give the parents' opinion;
b)  shares the parents' opinion;       .
c)  rejects the parents' opinion;

d)  grasps the meaning of the parents' opinion.

Самостійна робота PHRASAL VERBS

Fill in the gaps.
look for.      look after.      look forward.    take after.    turn off.    turned into.    get up.
  1. I have been _____________my mobile phone all morning. I can't find it anywhere.
  2. Can you ____________my pet goldfish for a few days while I am away on holiday?
  3. Children often ______________to Christmas from November onwards.
  4. They look very alike but they also _________each other so it's even harder to tell them apart.
  5. You forgot to ____________the heater last night and the house was like a sauna when I got up this morning.
  6. Jeannie was such a nice girl. I wonder why she has ___________such a vindictive little monster. I blame her parents.
  7. I was late for work because I didn't _____________in time.

Самостійна робота MODAL VERBS

     Fill in the gaps.      
           can (2)   will be able (2)      could (2)
1. My brother _____watch TV from morning till evening.
2. We_________ to go to the cinema next week.
3. My sister _____play the piano very well when she was a child.
4. My sister _______speak English very well.
5. Yesterday I _______  go to the theatre, but I was tired and went home.
6. These students ________to study German next year.
            had to (3)       mustn't      must (2)
1. I _______do a lot of homework yesterday.
2. I don't want anyone to know. You ______ tell anyone what I said.
3. Pete ______stay at home because it was very cold.
7. This child______ spend more time out in the open air.
4. Mike _____ write this exercise at school because he had not done it at home.

2. You ______take your examination in English.

Самостійна робота WORD BUILDING

Choose the correct word for each sentence.

Invented / invention / inventor

1) He ________the first electric clock...
2) ...the _________of the telephone.
3) ...Alexander Graham Bell, the ______of the telephone.

Discovery / discoverer / discover

4) ...the first European to ______America...
5) ...the myth of Columbus as the heroic _______of the Americas 500 years ago.
6) His job is the _______and promotion of new artists.

Science / scientific / scientists

7) Physics is the best example of a _____which has developed strong, abstract theories.
8) _______research is widely claimed to be the source of the high standard of living in the US.
9) ______have collected more data than expected.

Unusual / usually / usual

10) She's smiling her _____friendly smile...
11) They ate, as they _____did, in the kitchen...
12) He was an ______man with great business talents.

Danger / dangerously / dangerous

13) His life could be in______.
14) He is _______ill...
15) It's ________to jump to early conclusions.

Popular / popularity / unpopular

16) It was a painful and _______decision...
17) Walking and golf increased in ______during the 1980s.
18) This is the most ______ball game ever devised...

Believe / believer / believable / belief / unbelievable / unbelieving

19) Don't ______what you read in the papers.
20) Mum was a great ______in herbal medicines.
21) This book is full of________, interesting characters.
22) One billion people throughout the world are Muslims, united by ______in one god.
23) It was an __________moment when Chris won the gold medal.

24) He looked at me with ________eyes.